Spring Performing Arts Festival

Spring Performing Arts Festival

Ergens tussen dromen, surveillance-tactiek en de wereld van games, neemt deze nieuwe voorstelling van TILT ons mee op een reis. We doorkruisen verschillende realiteiten die naast elkaar, tegelijk en in dezelfde ruimte kunnen bestaan. Božić and Willms combineren verschillende media en nodigen ons uit om ons onder te dompelen in dit kaleidoscopische droomlandschap. 

A time-traveling groomsmen at a bombed wedding, a gender-changing toddler running on batteries, dream-analysts intervening in citizens’ nighttime reveries in an attempt to affect future events. Welcome to Within Cells Interlinked - a transmedia phantasmagoria labyrinth interconnecting the worlds of dreams, corporate surveillance and gameplay in collaboration with the Premonitions Agency.

Several protagonists find themselves performing multiple selves across different realities – Dreamers, Premonitions Agents - who are not aware of each other but whose actions impact each others’. They intervene in each others’ realities, creating the world(s) – changing and interlinking them - as they discover it.

Concept, choreography, space and audio-visual design, direction:
Andrea Božić and Julia Willms
Concept and performance development in collaboration with:
Billy Mullaney
Performed by:
Billy Mullaney, Andrea Božić and Julia Willms
Video animation:
Julia Willms
Light design:
Pablo Fontdevilla
Simchah Hoed and Pablo Fontdevilla
TILT management:
Elowise Vanderbroecke
Based on:
the dreams donated by the performance team and various dreamers
Produced by:
TILT in co-production with SPRING Performing Arts Festival, in collaboration with the Premonitions Agency
Made possible by:
the financial contribution of the Dutch Performing Arts Fund, Amsterdam Fund for the Art (structural support 2021-2024), BNG Fund, Tijl Fund
Research supported by:
DAS Theatre and iDLab / ATD